Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Doa Untuk Rakyat

Ya Allah, jangan lah Kau timpakan bencana terlalu banyak pada bangsa ini sesungguhnya ada banyak pejabat yang lebih pantas untuk Kau sengsarakan... Kami rakyat Indonesia hanya bisa meminta pada Mu, Ya Allah... pada pemimpin kami tidak bisa... Sedangkan Engkau tidak akan pernah habis stok pejabat yang pantas Engkau sengsarakan... Maka dari itu, jangan Kau beri bencana/hukuman yang tidak pandang bulu... Amiiinnnn

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

10 Filosofi Hidup orang Jawa

dari firda fauzan...

1. Urip Iku Urup (Hidup itu Nyala, Hidup itu hendaknya memberi manfaat nagi orang lain disekitar kita, semakin besar manfaat yang bisa kita berikan tentu akan lebih baik)

2. Memayu Hayuning Bawana, Ambrasta dur Hangkara (Manusia hidup di dunia harus mengusahakan keselamatan, kebahagiaan dan kesejahteraan; serta memberantas sifat angkara murka, serakah dan tamak).

3. Sura Dira Jaya Jayaningrat, Lebur Dening Pangastuti (segala sifat keras hati, picik, angkara murka, hanya bisa dikalahkan dengan sikap bijak, lembut hati dan sabar)

4. Ngluruk Tanpa Bala, Menang Tanpa Ngasorake, Sekti Tanpa Aji-Aji, Sugih Tanpa Bandha: 5. Datan Serik Lamun Ketaman, Datan Susah Lamun Kelangan (Jangan gampang sakit hati manakala musibah menimpa diri; Jangan sedih manakala kehilangan sesuatu).

6. Aja Gumunan, Aja Getunan, Aja Kagetan, Aja Aleman (Jangan mudah terheran-heran; Jangan mudah menyesal; Jangan mudah terkejut-kejut; Jangan mudah kolokan atau manja).

7. Aja Ketungkul Marang Kalungguhan, Kadonyan lan Kemareman (Janganlah terobsesi atau terkungkung oleh keinginan untuk memperoleh kedudukan, kebendaan dan kepuasan duniawi).

8. Aja Kuminter Mundak Keblinger, Aja Cidra Mundak Cilaka (Jangan merasa paling pandai agar tidak salah arah;Jangan suka berbuat curang agar tidak celaka).

9. Aja Milik Barang Kang Melok, Aja Mangro Mundak Kendo (Jangan tergiur oleh hal-hal yang tampak mewah, cantik, indah; Jangan berfikir mendua agar tidak kendor niat dan kendor semangat).

10. Aja Adigang, Adigung, Adiguna (Jangan sok kuasa, sok besar, sok sakti).

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A Pragmatic Thought

Although, maybe I've written this some years ago. but I want to write this again this time. It began with a simple chat with my father on my way home. On a turn to enter a road to my home, there is a junction master (Indonesian "polisi cepek"), he always collect the money for toll just to turn at the junction. My father suddenly complained that he must pays every single day just to turn. I told him, that is not appropriate, since according to keynes, if people's wages is below their average needs (e.g food, housing, cigarette) most of them are reluctant to work in an institution. Thus, making unemployment rate soaring.

To fullfil their needs, unemployed tend to be a criminals, which we must kept in check especially when they near our home. they tends to rob or steal from our home, which we definitely not like it. I often hear that a lavish housing complex near the slum area also has a high criminal rate, probably it's because of it.

In order to make them still have money to pay their average needs. We must give away some money, so they don't became criminals. Maybe the reason that Muhammad order us to give donation to our neighbours, because of that :D

Thursday, July 08, 2010

Indonesian State Owned Companies Ways of Doing Business

This is my deduction on Indonesian Companies' best practices to lift up their profit

First Phase : Making Crappy Products

Pertamina/State Gas Company, makes failures on the gas regulator and pipe, making it easy to explode.
Palyja/PAM, makes the colorful water tap, well if you like colorful life, you definitely like this
State Owned Electric Company (PLN), makes unreliable electricity, making many failures on electrical goods

All of these condition makes people furious. Therefore, they must react, after numerous accident and fatalities.

Second Phase : Doing what-they-called-research

Pertamina, examine the gas problem and assume that the problem is in the regulator
Palyja, examine that the problem is in the technological in capabilities to make healthy water
PLN, examine and report that the problem is in the supplies of the fuel as well as aging transmitter and transformer

All of these research leads to the People's Assembly, well you can't enact policy without their permission, as well as bribery.

Third Phase : The policy

Gas regulator must have national standard certificate
Palyja, water can be privatized with the multinational companies
PLN, permission to raise tariff and appointment of a new promising candidate

Forth Phase : Miracullous victories of making crappy products

Gas regulators as well as the gas hose/pipe must be distributed by Pertamina to ensure genuineness (again they manage to get extra income, with monopoly)
Palyja, can raise tariffs without permission from anyone... and now water tap tariffs in Jakarta is expensive... astonishingly they manage to preserve their "good" quality with the higher price
PLN, now they raise their tariffs and they will develop a device that will enable them to detect exploded trafo earlier <= stupid.

The best part is, the customer doesn't realize the aftermath of the policy after alooonggg time >:)... I conclude that even tough Keynes had predicted that in the year 2000's the productivity will be so high so we only need to work in short hour to fulfill all our needs, the capitalist-beaurocrat is doing their best to prevent it...

That's why I, must humbly admit that our government is genius...  they can beat the prediction of the best Economic Scholar in his era...

Thursday, June 24, 2010

final argument

final argument means the last resort in either war or negotiation. there are various kind of final arguments, which resemble the era.

in Louis XIV, the final argument was the use of cannon..

in the Atomic Age was the Atom bombs

In the information age, it's the drop database [database name]

wkwkwkwkwkwk >:)

Monday, May 17, 2010


a man asked me about joining Wirekom as an Apprentice, and he asked about what division will he join... I tell him 16th armored division, Wirekom's expeditionary forces :|, we don't have any division, for God sake!!

Monday, May 10, 2010


First of all, i'd like to state the main reason of writing this is because one of my friends wants to know about my secret of negotiation. several years ago, my negotiation style was far from good... I then to negotiate with the skill of small trader... it's very simple and rely most on stamina and time delaying method. Until one day, upon seeing my negotiation ability (which is abysmal actually), the Minister of Transportation at that time Mr Djusman Syafeii Djamal give me a negotiation book that save his business when dealing with the Indians, and i mix that book and my small trader style of negotiation which give me a new style which are devided into four main part, before opening, middle and closing :

1. Before, in this part, you should do :
a. knowing your opponents, it's very useful to know their intention to the negotiation, interest as well as weakness
b. give a detailed target of your negotiation, give them points if you have to

2. Opening, in this part it's the essesial part of breaking the barrier, so you should do :
a. give them promises :D <= mostly lies though
b. state the goals from you side <= also lies
c. be patient, don't rush to the main dealing... confuse them with trivial issues to drain their stamina, but be aware, if they look like annoyed with it, try ice breaking jokes

3. Middle, in this part you should talk about non trivial issues
a. Talk about things that you focused on gaining the most, such as pricing issues
b. extract the information which they focused on
c. if it comes to price, make sure to open the bargain as low as posibble, but not too low, cause it will break their hearts :)...
d. when come to price, just make sure to stand on 15 % lower if you are buyer and 15 % higherif you are seller from the exact price you want to achieve (you can raise the limit though, but be aware that they might go for another vendors), this will make them think the actual price is around that.

4. Closing
a. give them trivial bonuses (if you have heart), especially when the deal is too profitable on your side, trivial bonuses are things that are not to expensive... this will make your opponent anthusiastic about the deal, and they will think you are a good person... also this will avoid them to rethink about the main issues :D
b. When you are losing on the main issues, ask for special bonuses like free on delivery, free insurance and so on, if they don't want to just tell them that you think on that price the delivery is for free... or make the price higher a little and ask many bonuses... this will make them attracted to agree on your offering

The essence of negotiation is about giving something for something and so dont you ever give something for free >:)

Friday, May 07, 2010

advanced query :D

select sum(case when p.thn_bangun like '%2010%'  then 1 else 0 end) as jumlah, sum(case when m.jml_jam > 0 and p.status like 'active'  then p.kapasitas_kw * m.jml_jam*0.8 else case when p.status like 'active' then p.kapasitas_kw * 12 * 0.8 else 0 end end) as kapasitas, substring(p.id_desa,1,2) as region, p.status, l.manfaat_listrik, sum(k.jumlah) as pendanaan from pltmh as p left join mnj_operasional as m on p.id_pltmh = m.id_pltmh left join kegiatan_detail as k on p.id_pltmh = k.id_pltmh left join pemanfaatan_listrik as l on l.id_pltmh = p.id_pltmh where k.id_kegiatan = 4 and substring(p.id_desa,1,2) =  $reg and l.manfaat_listrik like 'off grid' (most advanced query, so far :P)

Monday, May 03, 2010

Multi Level Marketing

Several month ago, I was asked by a friend of mine to attend something about a new business plan... and i felt so exited... then, i realized that it was a scam... and i'll bloody remembered it. let's skip to the main part.

I was bring to a big fancy penthouse and then the-what-i-thought-to-give-business opportunity, which is also a female, talked about MLM's (lame, yeah I know) and she also mentioned that she had 40 other businesses... after she talk for some time... I asked, "if you are so successful, in MLM and had 40 other businesses, why not found other MLM? I'll help you for that" <= making a business is more fun than joining to an established MLM!. And suddenly she angry and started to explain why we cannot make other MLM. I speak briefly and politely that, the main reasons for me not joining MLM is it makes us timid and cause us not to see other opportunities :D...

after the so-called-business meeting, i talk to my friend, "even if MLM gave me a free ticket to heaven, i still don't want to join it :) <= with nice and sincere smile"

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Test gambar rumah

Ngikutin gita
Dear Ivan Sugiarto Widodo, Anda telah menggambar sebuah rumah. Berikut adalah analisanya:
웃 : Rumah Anda mengatakan bahwa Anda harus menjadi pemimpin.
Hmmm... amiiiinnnn
웃 : Anda pandai mencari teman dan ketika tiba saat gembira,
Yap-yap... gw punya banyak temen :D
웃 : anda membuat mereka gembira.
kl maw ketawa ama gw aja, leluconnya ga pernah abis :D
웃 : Anda mencintai rumah Anda dan keluarga.
pastinya, keknya semua pencapaian ada disono :P
웃 : Anda adalah seniman yang sangat berbakat.
patut diragukan... :D
웃 : Anda orang yang sangat rapi.
Rapih kodingannya :D
웃 : Anda adalah orang yang ambisius.
ambius itu harus
웃 : Ketika datang cinta, Anda menutup diri.
ini bener banget :D
웃 : Sulit untuk mendapatkan hati Anda,
cuma ada satu orang sampe sekarang yang bisa ;))
웃 : karena Anda telah memutuskan utk menjaga perasaan Anda jauh di dalam.
tepat sekali... hehehe...
웃 : Anda adalah orang biasa dan low profile.
emang gw banggain apaan ya?
웃 : Anda juga akan bertemu keberhasilan dalam hal-hal penting,
웃 : tanpa banyak kesulitan.
웃 : Anda memiliki kepribadian kuat dan Anda suka memerintah,
웃 : berpengaruh dan mengontrol orang.
kek gw ga taw apa2 terus orang maw aja gw suruh :-?
웃 : Pada dasarnya Anda bukan orang yang romantis.
웃 : Dapat dikatakan bahwa orang lain tidak melihat Anda genit.
ngapain genit? :P
웃 : Anda percaya diri dan bahagia dengan kehidupan Anda.
kenapa gw bisa ga bahagia?

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Why I hate tax

In Indonesia, the tax payment deadline is coming, many people are reluctant to pay since the Gayus gate... While the who-call-themselves-a-nationalist or the Mulyani's supporters still insisted to pay. I still pay... but I admit that I hate to pay.

Today tax is very different from the Roman or the Caliphate era tax. Indonesia is using the fiat money, which means that Indonesian government can issue the money in any amount they like. As the result is, the condition that make Indonesian government lack of money is less likely to happens. This condition however, create inflation, which make currency values decrease. If it doesn't dealt quickly will result in economic depression or even a bust.

Beside the issuing money, Inflation comes from :
1. increased in the welfare of the people, the more fluid the money the higher inflation (that answer my highschool question, why when our income increased, the tax will also :( )
2. Corruption, more money comes from unlegitimate source will add the money in the public, that create even worse inflation
3. Forgery, unregistered money will also creates inflation

There are two ways of overcoming inflation, which are :
1. fiscal policy (tax, issuing obligation)
2. monetary policy (interest rate)

Indonesian government see the only way to fight inflation is by increasing tax subjects <= this is totally gay dude... the problem is in the government, the corruption, government's fault... and still the people who work hard must compensate the problem... I wonder, why not use obligation instead? we get the money, and inflation handled?

Sunday, March 21, 2010

On Resilience

Resilience according to wikipedia is the positive capacity of people to cope with stress and catastrophe. It also includes the ability to bounce back to homeostasis after a disruption. I think, resilence is a man greatest virtue... if a man can put it correctly. With resilence a man can handle any obstacle with positive attitude.

I learn resilience when i heard Soekarno's speech on Prophet Mohammad in 1963. At that time Indonesia were gearing up for war against England occupation on northern borneo. The speech was simply splendid, And so i decided to copy it below (in indonesian of course :)) )

Kemarin aku baca Ramayana, saudara-saudara, Ramayana. Di dalam Kitab Ramayana itu ada disebut satu negeri, namanya Negeri Uttara Kuru. Uttara Kuru, yaitu artinya lor-nya negara Kuru. Kuru yaitu Kurawa itu.

Disebutken di dalam Kitab Ramayana itu, bahwa di Negeri Uttara Kuru itu ndak ada panas yang terlalu, nggak ada dingin yang terlalu, nggak ada manis yang terlalu, nggak ada pahit yang terlalu. Segalanya itu tenang, tenang. Ora ono panas, ora ono adem. Tidak ada gelap, tidak ada terang yang cemerlang! Adem tentrem kadya siniram banyu wayu sewindu lawas!

Di dalam Kitab Ramayana itu sudah dikatakan, hmm negeri yang begini tidak bisa menjadi negeri yang besar. Sebab tidak ada oh up and down, up and down! Perjuangan tidak ada! Semuanya itu adem tentrem seneng seneng senengpun tidak terlalu seneng, tidak terlalu sedih, setenang tenang tenang tenang Uttara Kuru.

Apa engkau ingin menjadi satu bangsa yang demikian, Saudara-saudara ?

Tidak !
(this is the part when Soekarno really emphasizes resilience)
Kita tidak ingin menjadi satu bangsa yang demikian. Kita ingin menjadi satu bangsa yang
seperti ini tiap hari, digembleng oleh sadar!
Digembleng! Hampir hancur lebur bangun kembali !
Digembleng! Hampir hancur lebur bangun kembali !

(and this is the part when he said that political figure did wrong, although Mohammad didn't do any mistake )

Bagi orang-orang besar ini satu persatu tidak luput dari salah. Oleh karena sekadar manusia biasa!

Saya ulangi, siapa berani berkata bahwa Bismarck tidak pernah bersalah?!
Siapa berani berkata bahwa Mirabeau tidak pernah bersalah?!
Siapa berani berkata bahwa Gladstone tidak pernah bersalah?!
Siapa berani berkata bahwa Garibaldi tidak pernah bersalah?!
Siapa berani berkata bahwa Mao Tse Tung tidak pernah bersalah?!
Siapa berani berkata bahwa Gandhi tidak pernah bersalah?!
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi.
Siapa berani berkata bahwa Stalin tidak pernah bersalah?!
Siapa berani berkata bahwa Jose Rizal Mercado Filipina tidak pernah bersalah?!
Pernah bersalah, oleh karena memang khilaf salah adalah sifat manusia
(and I believe he added sentence below just to pleased NU supporters :D, since it has nothing to do with the sentences above, although this is Mohammad birthday speech )
Namun Muhammad seorang nabi, rasul... maka ia tak pernah bersalah

At that time, I also had several issues regarding my organization, PSIK... my personal issues with a woman and academic, and my financial issues... I really glad that I heard that speech... It really motivates me... although I sometimes failed, but I manage to get on my feet again :)...the good thing is you dont have to pay for a motivator to do it, just download the speech and hear it everyday! I thank God that a man as good as Soekarno had live and teach many things to this nation...

Friday, March 05, 2010

To learn the code of samurai

yesterday, i had a lunch chit chat with my friends, one of them told me about learning the samurai code... He said that according to Musashi, the code of samurai cannot be learn if you hadn't face near death experienced. Well, I completely agree of Musashi.

In Business most of the Tycoons had the opportunities to face near bankruptcy. According to research that business week conduct, 40 % of Tycoons had near bankruptcy experience. Well, I had them on the december last year, my company only got 50 US dollar left =))... hope this is a good sign though...

Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Discipline of Innovation

Well, i had read a Peter F Drucker book an it really cool. According to him rather than random spring of innovation, it's better to have innovation by purposeful meanings. In corporation there are seven aspects of successful innovation, which are :

1. unexpected occurance

it means that the innovation is applied in the field that is not intended to. IBM, for example created a computing machine that intended to be used in the banking establishment in 1933. But, at that time, unfortunally they didn't have the necessary amount of capital and simply they didn't think that program is useful for them. The IBM, suddenly changed his target market for libraries which has the adequate funding at that time and suddenly business as well as banking thought computer was a perfect machine to do their jobs and IBM is the biggest player here until now.

2. Incongruities

means not accepting with the best practices. Before 1950, most ocean freighter use speed to maximize their profits. But in reality, more speed resulting more cost when idling in the port (since most of the freighter must wait until the capacity is full). One ocean freighter simply come up with the ideas of making a Roll in and Roll out and container ships, so every kind of products (regardless of their types) can be loaded as long as it comply with the dimension of the container. resulting growth in shipping industries.

3. Process Needs

means an innovation that intended to make the processes more efficient and it must be seen in systematically way. In 1890, there is an invention that makes the newspaper produces quickly and in large volume, the newspaper readers have grown dramatically. A new problem arose, that is the distribution cost. Seeing the of number of readers, New York Times decided to create first ever newspaper ads which makes the distribution cost practically free, with the ads profits.

4. Industries and market changes
A new Industries and Market seems not to appeal to the established companies managers. Facebook for example, growing significantly without the interference of major player like Microsoft or Apples. Innovators who makes a new industries or markets often left alone for along time from big players.

5. Demographic Changes
As the time goes by, old people are replaced with the new people. This market changes must be awared by the policy makers. Japan for example, aware that the explotion on the education in '70s will make blue-collar-workers shortage in japan and started to research on robotics to replace blue-collar-workers, which make them ten-years lead in robotics area.

6. Change in Perception
Before 1970's people in America struggle to have a longer live, but in the last 20 years the American Health care is increased dramatically resutling in decreasing mortality rates. Rather than rejoicing this gift, American people suddenly feared that they will have a to live an age related diseases like loss of memory, loss of sight, heart attack, muscle strength loss etc. An so the fastest growing company at 80's-90's was a exercise related companies

7. New Knowledge
Among history making innovations, those are recieving great success based on new knowledge -whether scientific, technical, or social- or blend of it. Airplanes for example are made from blend of knowledge, such as internal combustion engine, light airframe, bernoulli theory, pitch, roll and yaw steering and fossil fuel.

so as inventors as well as enterpreneurs we must be aware to all of these things...

Thursday, February 04, 2010

Saptamarga Pegawai Wirekom

1. Pegawai Wirekom bersendikan kepada ajaran Donald E Knuth dan Dijkstra dalam memprogram.
2. Terbuka dalam setiap kemungkinan. Latih diri anda untuk selalu menjadi lebih baik. dalam memprogram harus cekatan seperti serigala, getas seperti kulit dan sekeras baja dan anda akan menjadi pengembang yang handal
3. Pegawai Wirekom harus mempelajari UML, bisnis proses dan desain dengan benar sehingga bila atasan, rekan kalian mangkir atau minggat, anda dapat menyelesaikan tugas dengan tenang dan tepat waktu.
4. Camkan dengan baik-baik komputer dan organisasi data yang baik dapat membuat pekerjaan jadi lebih cepat. Yang utama adalah komputer, organisasi, baru kami.
5. Dalam menghadapi hacker dan bug tester, hormatilah mereka. Dengan cracker hajar tanpa ampun.
6. Pegawai wirekom pantang mengeluh, semua pekerjaan dapat dilaksanakan dengan nalar yang jernih. Mengeluh tidak menyelesaikan masalah.
7. Pupuk persahabatan dengan rekan anda. tanpa rekan anda anda tidak akan bisa membuat apa-apa.

Sunday, January 31, 2010


As usual, I always had issues with addressing critics. People usually use their feeling on achieving critics and the outcome of it, is rather bad. I have some suggestions for peoples who are being addressed with critics.

1. Put aside your feelings or egos
there are peoples who address their critics very frankly (like me) and have the strong tehoritichal base (well like me) and that is a good critics, cause you don't have to hire a counsultant, which the rate is skyhigh, for it.

2. Don't judge the critics are contra-productive
Most of people (expecially dictators (well like me)) see every critics is contra-productive, but in the fact, there are no contra-productive critics. I had a client who is really pretend-to-know-it-all person. He even started to conduct a independent bug test even when the program is not even done yet! At first I am very furious, but later on I realized that I had a payed-only-by-compliments bug tester :P, and had reduces of my developing cost greatly :)).

3. Put a smile on your face
When you think (not feel) that their critics are not good for your goal, you should argue with them to see the theoritical background. If it still don't look good, just put a smile and said, "well... i give you a necesarry amount of resources, and try to make a pilot project". If it goes perfectly well, CLAIM IT!! (evil >:)).

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Inavskian Perspective Concerning Dinuetskaya

Several month after Inavskian Republic ceased all diplomatic means with Dinuetskaya. Another grievous news comes from Dinuetskaya official stated that a group of special ops has violated the border of Dinuetskaya and took a symbol of her sovereignty. But the identity is remain classified by Dinuetskaya official.

That incident and the continuation of other painful news, such as disregard the honor of Dinuetskaya, economic and social turmoil on her, has started to make Inavskian Chancellor Ivan, felt that they did wrong in ceasing the diplomatic means.

Chancellor Ivan also realized that although he gave the most sincere economic and defense corporation on her. Dinuetskaya Officials were buying many contraband and using it for about one year during the agreement period.

But on this time, Chancellor Ivan heart is trembling with his sighting about the current state of Dinuetskaya. He had his judgment, plans and assembled his allies in the crusade of saving the Dinuetskaya Republic no matter the cost yesterday. Chancellor Ivan said in the face of the public "Although Dinuetskaya is a cheater, we cannot turn our back on her, we cannot stay idle when the others need us. I know that God is with us and we shall prevail in our endeavor". While Dinuetskaya Government still in doubt of taking Inavskian help.

Furthermore, Chancellor Ivan had stated to his allies that Inavskian need a live long mutual assistance pact with other countries to ensure common prosperity and the survivability of the Dinuetskaya. This situation is critical and Inavskian is really need help!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Yearly Speech from Inavskian Head of Government

Well, Inavsky actually a imaginary state created by me... i'm using it to practice my English... Hoping that this skill will come in handy in the futures :)... here it is.

(the voice of Inavskian anthem, played by the great Inavskian Army)
United forever in friendship and labour,
Our mighty republic will ever endure.
The great Inavsky Union will live through the ages.
The dream of a people their fortress secure.

Long live our Inavsky Motherland, built by the people's mighty hand.
Long live our People, united and free.
Strong in our friendship tried by fire. Long may our crimson flag inspire,
Shining in glory for all men to see.

Through days dark and stormy where Great Widodo led us
Our eyes saw the bright sun of freedom above
and Ivan our Leader with faith in the People,
Inspired us to build up the land that we love.

Long live our Inavsky Motherland, built by the people's mighty hand.
Long live our People, united and free.
Strong in our friendship tried by fire. Long may our crimson flag inspire,
Shining in glory for all men to see.

We fought for the future, destroyed the invader,
and brought to our homeland the Laurels of Fame.
Our glory will live in the memory of nations
and all generations will honor her name.

Long live our Inavsky Motherland, built by the people's mighty hand.
Long live our People, united and free.
Strong in our friendship tried by fire. Long may our awesome flag inspire,
Shining in glory for all men to see.

(Great Chancellor step up to the podium)
My fellow Inavkian, it's always been a great honor to come before you and address our yearly progress. On the economic sector our income has increased rapidly exceeding 57% percent in some areas. Our rapid development in IT and food industries were the main fuel of our amazing growth. And I, myself thank you for that.

Like any nation, we also have problems, our lack of intervention on the global politics, and low performance of our bureaucracy is two of them. In this year I personally will institute reform on our bureaucracy that ensure every Inavskian can handle their own paperwork with ease. We also must keep on searching for the best candidates for our long term alliance that share common ideals to ensure our arsenal of democracy.

Why I don't stated our other problems such as technological advancement, transportation and soon? I believe that we can overcame that problems as the global economic stabilizes in this year, so those are not a big problem for us, but we must still work on that.

Victory is almost upon us, but we must keep pushing forward. God is my witness, I promise that our yearly plans will be complete in just 10 month and that what I called progress.

(crowd is cheering and chanting Great Chancellor Ivan)

Monday, January 04, 2010

My own judgement upon my leadership at PSIK (Corporate Perspective)

Last week I read about Human Resources book. It's written by James Low and T. Siesfield and it called measures that matters. It's about top ten non financial variables that financial analyst counted when judging a corporate quality, an I want to judge myself when i lead PSIK (actually i treated her like a corporate).

no | name | weight | score | totalscore | reason (sorry no table at blogspot)
1. Strategic Corporate executions | 10 | 5 | 50 | only the political aspect and enviromental of the yearly goal that achieved
2. Management Credibility | 9 | 4 | 36 | fairly low since many problems that can't be solved in time, mostly trivial problems
3. Quality of Corporate Strategy | 8 | 9 | 72 | it's PSIK-ITB so my strategic quality is backed-up by the brightest mind
4. Innovation | 7 | 8 | 64 | mostly the opportunity that raised later on is seized perfectly by us :)
5. The ability to attract and keeping the best people | 6 | 10 | 60 | our best people is keeped (such as, bakot, dikdik, teja, gita, hanna, agung), while the rest is dropped out because of academic issues :D
6. Market share | 5 | 6 | 30 | well at least we are counted on west java region :D
7. Management expertise | 4 | 3 | 12 | management theories? go to hell with it :))
8. Stakeholders are compensate equally | 3 | 6 | 18 | only the active ones and the closest friend that is counted by us
9. research leadership | 2 | 9 |18 | innovate along the way dude! most of ground breaking tactics on politic in invented here!
10. Quality of main business process | 1 | 10 | 10 | complaints of the people are received to the top level within 24 hours and the decision on organizational level concluded within 48 hours.
total is 320/55 = total result is 5.81 (fairly low :( )

that's me, how about you? any complaints?