Sunday, December 10, 2006

Beli laptop baru

Horee... Setelah bermimpi sekian lama untuk mempunyai laptop, akhirnya Allah memberikan saya rezeki dan kesempatan untuk mempunyai salah satu Toshiba Tecra 9100...... Huuhuh

Namun sayang, charger rusak.

Tapi tetep aja senang.... Horeee..
Menulis dari laptop baru.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Aku bertemu dikau
Wahai pembawa sejuk dihati

Ketika tak ada cinta
Engkau memberiku sebuah
Aku menunggu
Jawaban dari mu

Oh...Wahai pencipta
Yang memiliki kuasa
Perintah ia
agar membalas cinta


Sunday, October 29, 2006

Kecelakaan motor, Ah biasa

5 hari gw di Jogja, setiap hari terdapat kecelakaan motor. Yang paling parah, ada yang sampe kejet-kejet. Makanya mas, mbak ati2

Friday, October 20, 2006

Information Technology as an Aggregator of Fear

Ivan Sugiarto Widodo (13504149)

Information Technology (IT), by function, gives people a broad amount of Information through every means, such as Internet, Television and printed ones. Fear, said evolutionist, is a reaction to something that threatens a person survivals. Through it, things that Americans doesn’t know about life in Indonesia, for example, nowadays that information is served directly into American’s rooms, through Television, Internet, and other printed means. This has an advantage on the other hands, for example, people could get fresh issues about world’s politics, rumors, and economics. But, that information also gives us, although not explicitly, a glimpse views of world, either bad or good ones. On the other hands, man gets the bad ones faster than the good ones, according to Meme,
The Viruses of Mind. The information technology gives the necessary infrastructure for it.

To make it simple, I will give an analogy for frightening information spreads. Imagine that you live in a desolated island in middle of pacific, it has 10.000 inhabitants. Live there is very peaceful, murder, theft, robbery happens once a year. Your island is a part of a nation named Archipelago, which has 1.000.000 inhabitants and rather homogeny demography in every island, for example. Last year, an IT investor invested in the internet network in that nation and established a web-page called Archipelago News Network (ANN). The ANN has many journalists that search for news in every island that Archipelago has. Furthermore, Archipelago government gives an incentive for one-computer-one-home policy. At this point, let’s assume that the murder, theft, robbery happens in the same rate every island. Now, with the information technology, the information about these crimes aggregate into 100 times! Every three days, you see a murder, theft and robbery, you felt scared and live is not as beautiful as the old times.

According to that analogy, we can understand why today world is full of fear, hatred and pain. It is simply because of the advancement of IT and the growing number of people; today record earth inhabitants reach over 7 millions. World has became more complex. Information about famine in the Africa can spread though internet and television, this implies that most of people on earth shared the same fear of famine. Terrorists, uses IT to spread their terror, the world is scared. The other side of people reacts accordingly. The world is not a safe place again.

Monday, October 16, 2006

North Korean Nuclear Crisis

After several days I am listening on the North Korean nuclear issues, I saw two major groups of nation that react according to the issues. First the one who felt that North Korea must be sanctioned extremely, the others felt in the opposite ways. They have different opinion about this issues.

The first ones, fear that the nuclear technology must not be taken by a country that is not prosperous enough. The latest situation feared to trigger the far-east nuclear race, the Japan will not be just stand still. They must take a imminent actions. Today, the Japanese government issues travel and trade bans. On the long run, Japan might strengthen their defense through nuclear research an production. The US, would take a imminent military action. If this scenario proved true, the world may enter the nuclear dark age.

The one who is opposed it felt that North Korea lies about the nuclear test, according to the size of the blast and radioactivity in the air and water. They said world supposed not to take this emotionally. Furthermore, they said that if the US don't agree with it, they should give the example to the world.

In my point of view, I agree with the second one. I would like to address this statement to the world, "War and embargo is not the answer for this problem, giving example of nuclear weapon reduction is the best".

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Heii.. Ini postingan gw yang pertama...

Setelah sekian lama mencoba masuk ke blogspot akhirnya bisa juga... Heran kok internet ITB lemot banget yah?? Gimana kita bisa jadi Knowledge-Based Society kalo internet aja lemotnya nauzubbillah..

Pada sisi lain, gw heran ama beberapa mahasiswa ITB yang dirileks, mempermasalahin nationalisme. Apa mereka tidak pernah baca pemikiran-pemikiran bung Karno yang ditulis didalem pancasila dan UUD'45? Kemerdekaan adalah hak segala bangsa, maka dari itu, kita harus menjaga perdamaian dunia.