Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A Pragmatic Thought

Although, maybe I've written this some years ago. but I want to write this again this time. It began with a simple chat with my father on my way home. On a turn to enter a road to my home, there is a junction master (Indonesian "polisi cepek"), he always collect the money for toll just to turn at the junction. My father suddenly complained that he must pays every single day just to turn. I told him, that is not appropriate, since according to keynes, if people's wages is below their average needs (e.g food, housing, cigarette) most of them are reluctant to work in an institution. Thus, making unemployment rate soaring.

To fullfil their needs, unemployed tend to be a criminals, which we must kept in check especially when they near our home. they tends to rob or steal from our home, which we definitely not like it. I often hear that a lavish housing complex near the slum area also has a high criminal rate, probably it's because of it.

In order to make them still have money to pay their average needs. We must give away some money, so they don't became criminals. Maybe the reason that Muhammad order us to give donation to our neighbours, because of that :D


pebbie said...

beda situasi van, memberi dengan meminta (dengan berdiri di tikungan). kalau meminta, mereka merasa sudah bekerja, jadinya nggak mau bergerak maju. jadi deh, semakin bergerombol di tikungan, pinggir jalan jadi parkiran, berebut lahan, dst.

zakat itu jelas bukan hanya sekadar urusan perpindahan uang.

Ivan said...

gw udah bilang, yg penting rumah gw ga disatronin maling :|