Sunday, December 13, 2009

Reasons to undergo Marriage

Many people, of which I know and mainly man, see the reasons of marriage just for legalizing sex. I don't deny that at first but later on, I began to self-criticize that point of view. Why married if you can get pleasure from a prostitute for example? she maybe more open to explore various position of sex and means of satisfying her sex partners than the normal women especially she who more conservative. moreover marriage is restricting your freedom to many opportunities that arose later on. People must attend their partner relatives on special occasion while when single we can search for the other opportunity to business. We can no longer flirt with other people from the opposite sex.

After several month of searching the best answer, and losing someone that I loved dearly, I began to understand the realm of love and now I concluded that marriage is the mean of unconditionally restrict your freedom as and act of the purest form of love and acceptance of other people. but still I then to search woman who had a strong belief in democracy and rational ones. not just for sex, but a comrade in arms who don't need any medals or salary :D, just pure affection from me :))... I promise and God is my witness that I won't be a evil dictator again... just a benevolent one :) (still dictator though ;) ) <= justification of a megalomaniac man =))


enrico said...

benevolent dictator, TOTAL WAR abisss....

Awa tadi ngomongin uneg2 soal pernikahan sama oom awa... ya bisa dibilang dapet pencerahan juga lah.. cuma ya itu oom gw aja utk dapet calon bininya dulu sholat malem+sholat hajat ga putus 3 bulan berturut2, beuuuh... gimana cara gw ngikutin??

Ivan said...

susah bet, entar aja kalo udah mepet :D